Thursday 27 September 2012

The influence of new media in the radio and pr industry

the new way of radio
pic adapted:socila media sun
the new life of radio
picadapted:media sun
Radio has always been there and always loved by many but time have changed, times have changed where music artist and record labels owners used to beg for air play and the reason for that is the new media invading the radio industry, because now social network’s audience have a say on what they want to hear on the radio, they go as far as making their playlist on Facebook and twitter their control, their own content.

 but the biggest threat to the radio industry is the new pop culture of other new media that actually makes a lot of sense than radio like icons, radio iPods and the loss of audience loyalty. This is really not good for a music publicist like me, the question I would like to ask is where does it put the future of music publicist because if the radio loose more and more of their audience that means that we are losing our targeted audience and that means no more free publicity making public relations less relevant to the music industry.


  1. Disagree!!
    Boss, radio has been active for a LOOONG time. We cant expect people to remain the same when the environment is changing as well. Yes there are other forms of using radio like you stated.
    But if one does not adapt, one will die.

    P.R.P's are fortunate in that we are aware of new media and how to utilize this, could branch out into smaller community radio sectors in smaller areas and motivate local dj's. Imagine if Y.FM did this in Thembisa and hosts were allowed to play kwaito exclusively.
    You still think they would have an audience loss problem? Radio still has mighty potensial my friend.

    1. i agree with you radio has a market, somewhere out there but is it enough no no our targeted publics are in new media, so radio has to join in thisnew generation so that they become relevant

  2. I think radio remains a powerful tool up to this day, the only challenge is that there is new media but as Tebogo states that PR practitioners are aware of the changing times and work on a plan that will gain the publicity that is needed.

    1. radio a powerful tool but it longer has loyal audiences

  3. radio has power because the audience can interact with the Djs on the spot and give their views on a certain issue,unlike reading a newspaper or watching television.

    1. feedback,it is good but dosae it fit as a new media tactic

  4. I think social media helps audience to be able to communicate with their presenters in order to complain and compliment how they feel about their radio programmmes.

    1. yes but that has been done to death, radio needs to change or it will die

  5. Radio will never loss audience but instead it will continue growing trough various platforms / channells like audio bouque

    1. but where is audience loyal, that is important because if you secure audience become loyal you are actually securing your place in the future

  6. Radio in my opinion caters for a niche market so so-long as radio presenters exist someone will listen to radio

    1. so according to you radio is there becuse of presenters and will always be there of them maybe in the 1890 but not in 2012

  7. Radio has always been part of our lives and has played a vital role in the evolution of mass media and that will remain as is not because of social media but because of what the people need to hear.

    1. but we can not act like or try to avoid the everchanging world new media is there and is here to stayso we have to change and become relevant

  8. New medai is really taking over but there are some things we cant just abandon. A lot of people like adults and old-aged still prefer radio compared to any other source of information, so i dont think it will ever fade away

    1. i could not agree with you more, but when it changes what about those in the rural areas

  9. New media is dominating and it seems everyone has adapted this new lifestyle but we cant just abandoned the old platforms as people still need it because they are used to

  10. nothing beats radio it is still and will be powerful, i dont think that media could take over as such... radio is here to stay and never going away

  11. I do not think that new media can simply out do the radio and future publicist like you, because traditional media can collaborate with the new media. One only has to think strategically that's it.

    1. and fuse the both media to have a succesful programme
