Thursday, 2 August 2012

music to bring change

LEBO MATHOSA last alblum before she dead which was title
pic:adapted from

It is said that for you to know where you are going you should know where you come from. The reason why I wanted to write this blog was because I have seen how the new generation is taking advantage and with less respect for the music industry.
That some people had to scarfice their life so that today talented musician can make good music with passion and freedom.Recent I have had that a movie will be made about the life of the late Lebo Mathosa which will be played by the international actor queen latifer which has caused major complains that South Africa has an identity problem.
 And that it not proud of its actor and musicians, but looking at the positive side of this scenario is that involving an actor/musician like queen latifer it will give the movie great media coverage and great sales in terms of movie tickets and a chance for the whole world to know that south Africans are talented and it took great amount of scafices to take south African music to be known by the whole world. That is why today one of the legendary singer and song writer lira is now an international singer. And this movie will give the next generation to know, understand and respect South Africa music because it took years and a lot of tears for South Africans to be finally recognised as talented musician in an international more   


  1. Yeah!many young people go to music industry by the name of fame which lead them to engage to wrong activities.however,i think that there must be events that will teach young people about moving to music world and how to handle and manage themselves.

    1. and i think that would be done with the help of a music publicist

  2. Clive I have to say part of what your saying is right and the other part is definitly wrong because we need people to support us because of who we are and not what we want to be. we really need homegrown actors to show the world what we South Africans are capable of interms of making great movies.

    1. i get what you are saying, and im not saying that we are not of who we are bt i just stating that getting an international person we get our alot of media coverage

  3. as wrong as it may sound when u mention that Lebo Mathosa will be represented by an international actor,i think that its not such a bad a idea because this will be broadcasted internationally giving the outside world more information about local musicians. Queen Latifer is such a great actor im sure she will excell.

    1. thank you for understanding where im coming from

  4. I think Queen Latifa is the perfect person to represent Lebo as they share common attributes and qualities, in order to grow, one should not be a Nationalist.

  5. Clive I agree with Vincent that we need homegrown actors.The is alot of South African actors who can play the very well, who knows the real life of Lebo Mathosa.

    1. guys all im asking for is to look at the bigger picture aganist this whole matter

  6. we should keep it local we should suppport our local actors get them onto the big stages their we already know what international actors can do for us

  7. Agree with Tsolo..local is lekker we have to keep it local and show the world that we also got talent in Mzansi.

  8. Lebo Mathosa she was talented indeed, Her death left us with tears because we lost the the queen of Kwaito. This shows that South Africa got talent and we need to have another good singer like Lebo in South African music

    1. we lost her but she lost us with something great

  9. It's comes with no amazement that once again our talented actors are ignored.On the other side we havt to know that now entertaiment field is all about making more money so they can only achieve that by using a brand tv personality.

    1. it is not really that they are going to be ignored but the main lead will be an international star

  10. Why is our country South Africa, supporting international artists so much? I want to touch on what you wrote, saying that yes it's true that it has come with tears and it took years but why are not promoting our people? Lets face the facts we are worshiping international artists so much so that we are forgetting about our own people. For me is out of the question that Queen Latifah will increase the sales because I believe and trust that we can do it with or without the Americans.

  11. But Drama Queen is Lebo's second last album, the last one is Lioness!!! Good Article!

    1. im sure it is drama queen and thank you for reading my blog

  12. As interesting as it sounds I don't think it's a good idea. South Africa should focus on enhancing our local actors so that they can improve and get opportunities to go represent South Africa internationally. There are so many talented actors in South Africa who can play the role very well.

    1. it will enhancing south africans becuse of the international coverage will be getting as a country and that is how south actors and muscian will start beening on the international spotlight

  13. i do not think to gain publicity for the movie they have to bring international artist....we have god actors here in south africa y dont they use them and make sure they get enaf publicity by that way the movie will be a success

    1. i think we do and this is not only about publicity but showing the whole world about south african rich musical history

  14. Lebo Mathosa was an awesome performer, she always gave her all on stage, i loved her, and still miss her music to this day. Seeing that Qeen Latifa will be playing Lebos" how much body weight will the artist have to loose?

  15. oh? it is intresting, but the question is:is it a good idea?South Africa should focus on enhancing our local actors... i mean hwo do you go and clean at your next door neighbour if you havnt tried to clean your home?

    1. but do not forget that it took her years to build it

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. International media coverage is an effective way to ensure that South African stars get recognised, lets have a look for example at Curious Pictures, A South African company which is now doing a lot of international work and is getting a lot of global recognition. The company has just won a prestigious Peabody Award for the drama "Intersexions" on SABC1. I think its true that it is a chance for the world to know that South Africans are talented and that we dont live in a society where we are unable to work together with international stars out of our own fears of domination.looking forward to the movie keep me posted

    1. thank you miss mothiba i so glad that some is understands the overall objective on hiring international stars to brace our south africa screen

  18. i think the movie is great idea but i also believe our South African actors could also do a better job in acting this raises an issue that does South Africa not believe in our actors because they keep hiring international actors to do South African movies

    1. but the aim of the overall objective to make peple to go and see it but it will not be possible to get coverage if asouth african is leading in the movie

  19. Bringing Queen Latifer into the movie will definately boost the sales, but what does that say about our image as South Africans, that we are talented but not enough to be lead roles like these ones?

    1. maybe it send out the messege that south africa has identity problems but will get our message across

  20. what I have seen in our local actors is that they turn to portray actions done by foreign celebrities and as a result they loose their identity and engage in illegal actions. I also think that South African actors have not proven themselves that they are capable of acting in big films, a lot of work still needs to be done in modelling their behaviour when they are expossed to fame.

    1. yes it may be the result of the modeliing theory but in this case it is about sale. marketing and pr

  21. I think that South African artists are not appreciated for what their talents, which leads to recruiting international stars to do what belongs to us. We have so many talented actors, who still can't get a chance to prove themselves

    1. i would have to disagree with you on that one south africa dose appreciate is actorsand it is not like the movie actors and singer will be international pople it also be filled with south africans

  22. How's Queen gonna say "ba bang ba phela ka sekoloto". I heard that Khanyi Mbau was gonna play Lebo Mathosa. Now, that is awesome!

    1. i would also loke to see khanyi mbau to play that part but i guess that the production side decide to change things

  23. Vincent has a point if we dont involve our own talented actors. How will they compite in the international market while they aint getting opportunies locally.

    1. get reason but that is not how the production team saw it they saw a chance to introduce south africans to the international market

  24. lets face it be it a South African movie or not we all want quality and only the directors know what will work and what will not work...South African Actors have graced our screen and Yes they are good at what they do but if they cannot give the direcors want they want sorry the is nothing we can do

    1. i guess that is the way it is we cant not do anything to change it

  25. Yes i agree that Queen will up the sales, but does that mean our local artists are not good enough to play Lebo???? what does Queen really know about Lebo???

    1. nothing but she knows her script and i think she be able to pull it off

  26. i for one thought we are the only people imitating the international music only to read here that they too copy our original work. sometimes to imitate someone is a compliment but when money is involved that brings other aspects and issues to the table which needs to be dealt with on another level on their own.

    1. tebogo i would really like to know what are those things that international people that are imiting in south africa
