as i see most organistions, musicians and publicist are adapting to the ever changing world of technology, web 2.0 and social media. it also rises a question if traditional methods are useless or they just donot work anymore and one of the traditional methods which was mostly used by music publicist was press relations which is the promotions of
- news release
- music tours which will be coverd by the print media
- album reviews
- profiles of the band
- reviews of thr live shows
so for you to become a trendy and successful music publicist ues your new media tools and donot forget your traditional methods when you run your campigns, blending the two methods guranteens you a successful campign read more
i really agree with you because nowadays people use thir smart phones to get informed but i think is not the matter traditional method not being useful nowadays is just thst social media send out information faster and it is easier to access it unlike tradition who have to go and purchase them or wait for them
ReplyDeletebut the question i phrasing here is should press relations be kicked out of the door because the is new media
DeleteI worked at a company that was so focused on using the new methods to get their message acroos and forgot that that sometime being old school can be very effective.
ReplyDeletemiss j so dose that organisation only use new media so what about when they have events and stuff what do they do than
DeleteIt is better to use both traditional and new media platforms because some organisation have not restructured themselves are still relaying on using and getting feeds from traditional media such as news releases.
ReplyDeleteyes themba i saying when running a campign use old media but donot forget new media
DeleteAgree with you Themba and i have to add that traditional is stay forever as people ans organisations sees it as an easy platform to circulate information.
ReplyDeleteyes as orgnisation we must adpted to the relevant trends but let us not forget the traditional methods
DeletePress relations should not be side lined because of new media. There will always be a demand for press relations just as there is still a demand for hard copy magazines even when there are on-line magazines.
ReplyDeletewhich magazines are still valued alot
DeleteAlthough, we find ourselves in a very technological context I still think that traditional meadia will not just fade away. I mean you can use the traditional media to promote your artist through your web 2.0 or social media fro that matter. It just up to you as a prp to link new media with traditional media.
ReplyDeleteim not saying one method is better than the other but im trying to say that us not forget the traditional methods like press relations that worked for us before the new media emerged
Deletethe ever changing technology field help most of internationa artists to succed which brings a challenge to S.A music to also adapt that style they using.
ReplyDeleteso lucky are you saying that the new is americanzation